Blog Vs. Wiki

In today’s world when people hear New Media, two of the first things that come to mind are Blog and Wikis. I’m pretty sure everybody who has ever used the internet has some point ended up on Wikipedia to search something. It seems as if there is an infinite amount information on that site, and personally ive only encountered valid information from that site. As for Blogs most people these days either has their own blog or has read some other persons blog. For example there was an entire movie devoted to the Food blog in the Movie of Julie and Julia, where the main character cooked her way through Julia Childs cook book and blogged about it. In addition, blogs are great ways for people to be creative and write about their lives/opinions.

As for some similarities and differences between the two.  Some of the similarities are that they are used by people to contribute to society through online postings.  Another similarity is that both focus on a specific topic, for example a wiki is usually focused on one thing, where as a blog also usually has a specific topic such as a person or an industry.

As for the differences, a blog is very biased on a persons perspective. It is edited by only one person so they could say whatever they please and have nobody be able to change it. However, a wiki is created by a person who is usually somewhat knowledgable about a subject and can be edited by the public , thus being much more informative. Another difference is that Blogs are usually updated on some regular basis, usually whenever the author of the blog has a new idea or just wanted to post a new blog. While the  wiki is usually created once with all the relevant information for that particular topic, and only updated if something has changed regarded that topic.

The  convergence in todays networked world is very important because everybody today is so busy. Everybody is running from work to the gym or to their yoga classes, to their kids events. There is no time to meet with real people as much as before. so the networked world helps people to keep in touch and still have relationships with one another. As discussed in “the New MEdia Technologies: overview and reasearch Framework” by Friedman, Linda Weiser and Friedman, Hershey H, they talk about how even companies are starting to converge in the new media. Some printer companies are going into cameras, long distance telephones companies are going into internet connections. This all causes everything to get intertwined, with TV, tivo, the internet. everything is becoming available at the touch of the finger. This is making our lives that much easier, thus the convergence of the  new media is helping to make out lives easier.

As for a new use for a wiki, I really cannot think of anything at the moment.

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New MEdia PRoject: Ebay

I will be doing my term project on Ebay. I will be focusing on how everyday people use it to sell some of their old things or to make a quick buck, to people who sit on it all day and is their businesses. While we a  lot of people use this great site, we probably never thought about it vast impact on our society. I will be focusing on the multiple perspectives that Ebay has impacted.

sasha nissengolts
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What is New Media?

According to the reading on the 5cs, Friedman and Friedman states that the New media is considered a wide range of web-related items. They include things such as blogs, social networking sites, Wikis, forums, etc. These differ from say the old media because it is much more virtual. According to the reading, the old media is considered things such as magazines, newspapers, and even television. One way to distinguish between new and old media, is that old media is something that you can actually hold while new media is something more abstract.

An example of how people are going towards more media as stated by the reading, is the New York Times. They say more people are going toward the internet version of the paper because rather then its physical counter part because it is updated more often throughout the day aswell as offering things such as personal blogs from editors. Another example that I would think of would be the concept of watching television programs.  Many people are going away from watching their favorite programs on their TVs and instead watching it on sites such as HULU. In my personal experience it is much more convenient to watch it on Hulu because it is always available and only has about 3 commercials per episode.

Overall, I believe New media is a great thing for future generations. IT puts everything at the fingertips of the consumer. The only downside I see would be the decline of physical products such as books and newspapers which are easier on the eyes sometimes. And if the demand for these products is too little one day they will have to disappear.

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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